
Manicouagan is more than just a hydroelectric dam and its vast reservoir nestled in a meteorite crater. It is also a river, from its mouth to the lake. In fact, it is an entire ancestral territory, the homeland , or Nitassinan, of the Innu community of Pessamit. At the intersection of these perspectives is geography, which is not only physical but also cultural and historical.
Atiku, the Northern and Arctic Knowledge Portal, offers the best international information resources for researching information on the North and the Arctic, divided into 3 thematic collections and 6 collections by document type. Content development is ongoing. Here are some recent additions to the 'Studying the North', 'Archives and Primary Sources' and 'General Public' collections.
LAB-O-NORD | In the world of environmental research and specifically for research groups interested in climate change, the capacity to measure greenhouse gases is essential. To meet the needs of the various research teams, INRS (Centre Eau Terre Environnement) has acquired a gas chromatograph that is specifically configured for greenhouse gas analyses ...
The pandemic has put environmental issues at the heart of the debate on the future of the planet. What is the role of influence diplomacy in this international paradigm shift? Climate change, biodiversity loss, habitat and territory management, the stakes are numerous and they are glaring. Is this a real wind of change or a passing breeze? Reflection and discussion, within the framework of a webinar organized by INQ
Although Inuit have been writing for nearly two centuries, their literature is largely unknown. And yet, there is not one, but many forms of Inuit literature that reflect the complexity of the Inuit people. This is what the Inuit Literatures website, developed by...