Published on September 13 2021 In
MOOC | Northern Quebec : it's time to register

Our popular MOOC | Northern Quebec: Issues, Spaces and Cultures will be offered this fall in its English version. You can register by following this link. This free, online training will begin on October 4 and end on November 28, 2021. We estimate that you will have to spend about 4 hours per week to successfully complete the course and obtain a certificate of success from Université Laval.
What is this MOOC about?
By way of a hundred or so filmed interviews, this MOOC (massive open online course) gives a voice to specialists and actors from the North. Thanks to a significant diversity of credible and committed stakeholders, it allows its participants to better understand the cultures of northern populations, the place of this space in the collective imagination, the different visions of development of the northern territory and its socio-political evolution.
To date, this MOOC has highlighted the testimonies, lessons learned and reflections of 47 stakeholders, including 22 indigenous stakeholders (representing 4 nations), 15 academic professors and 10 non-native representatives. From edition to edition, the creators of the MOOC improve its content by ensuring that the relevance of the training is preserved and anchored in the spirit of the times according to the latest news, debates and social issues.
The training is led by Thierry Rodon, Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Université Laval and chairholder of the INQ Northern Sustainable Development Research Chair.
Did you know that?
Since the launch of MOOC in 2017, more than 10,000 people have followed the course. This is a huge success of which we are obviously very proud.
MOOC is usually offered in English in the fall session and in French in the winter session.

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