Centre interuniversitaire d'études et de recherches autochtones (CIÉRA) will hold its 23rd annual conference at the Musée de la civilisation in Quebec City on Thursday, May 15 and Friday, May 16, 2025.
The annual symposium of Institut nordique du Québec will be held at UQAM on May 12 and 13, 2025.
This year's theme is "Health-Climate-Environment" and all those involved in northern research are invited to dive in the interrelationships between these essential matters.
For its final edition, the Sentinel North Scientific Meeting offers a rich and integrated scientific content, highlighting the results of nearly 10 years of convergence research for the North. Take part in the event in May 6-8, 2025, at the Québec City Convention Centre.
Arctic Frontiers 2025: Beyond Borders will take place from January 27 to 30, 2025 in Tromsø and online. The event will feature seven scientific themes covering the latest advances in Arctic research, physical and social sciences, and technological innovations.
From December 9-12, 2024, in Ottawa, Arctic Change (AC2024) will bring together experts from the natural, health, and social sciences to explore the challenges and opportunities of a rapidly changing Arctic.
The Northern Retreat is an INQ training course designed specifically for professionals working in northern research - teaching faculty, professional research staff, and postdoctoral fellows.
The Arctic Assembly will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland, from October 17-19, 2024.
Since 2015, INQ has actively participated in every edition of this forum, organizing thematic sessions and the international finals of the My Northern Project science popularization competition together with its partner UArctic.
INQ community is invited to take part in this online workshop organized by the Ouranos group on the Resilience of Quebec's critical systems to climate change.
LAU- 1430 in Pavilion La Laurentienne at Université Laval
A working meeting of Research Axis 5 “Natural Resources” will be held on June 5, 2024 in room LAU- 1430 of the La Laurentienne Pavillion at Université Laval, starting at 1pm.
You are invited to the meeting of researchers from INQ Axis 1: "Societies and Cultures", where we will have the opportunity to revisit the axis' programming in light of the results of the shared survey circulated in 2023.
The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) is organized annually by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) to provide opportunities for coordination, cooperation and collaboration between the various scientific organizations involved in Arctic research.
Centre interuniversitaire d'études et de recherches autochtones (CIÉRA) will hold its 22nd annual symposium at the Musée de la civilisation in Quebec City on Thursday, May 23 and Friday, May 24, 2024.