Research Projects
This page presents the projects funded by Institut nordique du Québec and its partners.

Projet INQ-SN-3e-appel
Study on the Preparation, Use, and Chemical Composition of Labrador Tea (Rhododendron subarticum) Infusions as Consumed by the Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuaraapik Communities

Projet INQ-SN-3e-appel
Manicouagan-Uapishka Imaging through Aquatic and Cultural Territory Prospection (IMPACT)

Projet INQ-SN-3e-appel
COMIRCHAN Project: Co-construction of an Intersectoral Model for District Heating Networks in Nunavik

Projet INQ-SN-3e-appel
Back on Traces: Detection of Contaminants and Nanoparticles as Markers of the Anthropocene in the Arctic

Projet INQ-SN-3e-appel
Inhabiting the Saint-Augustin-Pakua Shipu Sand River: Biogeomorphic and Social Transformations

Projet INQ-SN-3e-appel
Modeling the Coupling of Terrestrial-Aquatic Carbon Fluxes in the Regional Forest Landscape under Changing Climate