
Founding Institutions

Founding Nations

Les Cris

Les Inuit du Nunavik

Les Innus

Les Naskapis de Kawawachikamach


Working committees


Working group on new and renewable energies

This group is actively seeking alternatives to the use of fossil fuels in the North...

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Training Committee

The committee has five main objectives: Make an inventory of existing training programs on Northern Québec at the founding partner universities...

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Sustainable Development Committee

The committee draws on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and validates those that are relevant for the North...

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First Peoples' Committee

This committee provides input to the Science and Development Committee with regardto the needs and aspirations of the First...

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Infrastructure Management Committee

This committee manages and optimizes the shared use of INQ's research infrastructure, in cooperation with the members and...

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Executive Committee

  • Eugénie Brouillet Committee chair
    Vice Rector of Research and Innovation
    Université Laval
  • Jean-Pierre Perreault Vice-Rector, Research and Graduate Studies
    Université de Sherbrooke
  • Dominique Bérubé Vice-Principal (Research and Innovation)
    McGill University
  • Patrick Beauchesne President
    Société du Plan Nord
  • Brigitte Bigué Director of Administration and Development
    Institut nordique du Québec
  • Isabelle Delisle Scientific Director and Head Faculty Affairs - Interim
    Institut national de la recherche scientifique
  • Melissa Saganash Director of Cree-Quebec Relations
    Grand Council of the Crees 
  • Jean-Éric Tremblay Director
    Institut nordique du Québec
  • Sébastien Charles Vice Rector, Research and Development
    Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
  • Francis Fournier President 
  • François Deschênes Vice Rector, Training and Research
    Université du Québec à Rimouski
  • Adamie Delisle-Alaku Vice President
  • Carole Jabet Scientific Director
    Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé

Research and Development Committee

Research Priorities

  • Thierry Rodon Co-director Priority 1 (Societies and Cultures) 
    Professor, Université Laval 
    Chairholder, INQ Research Chair on Northern Sustainable Development
  • Émile Fortin-Lefebvre Co-director Priority 1 (Societies and Cultures) 
    Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal 
    Director, Economic Autonomy for Nunavik Inuit and First People Study Centre
  • Cathy Vaillancourt Co-director Priority 2 (Health) 
    Professor, INRS - Centre Armand Frappier Santé Biotechnologie 
    Director, Regroupement intersectoriel de recherche en santé de l'Université du Québec (RISUQ)
  • Faiz Ahmad Khan Chairholder INQ-McGill Northern research chair in respiratory health & health services
  • Philippe Archambault Co-director Priority 3 (Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection) 
    Professor, Université Laval 
    Scientific Co-Director, ArcticNet
  • Esther Levesque Co-director Priority 3 (Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection) 
    Professor, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières 
    Associate Director, Centre for Northern Studies
  • Louis-César Pasquier Co-director Priority 4 (Infrastructure et technology) 
    Professor, INRS - Eau, Terre-Environnement 
    Co-Director, Environmental Technology Laboratory
  • Jean-Pascal Bilodeau Co-director Priority 4 (Infrastructure et technology) 
    Professor, Département de génie civil et de génie des eaux, Université Laval  
    Chairholder of Sentinel North Partnership Research Chair on northern infrastructure
  • Jasmin Raymond Co-director Priority 5 (Infrastructure et technology) 
    Professor, INRS
    Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche INQ sur le potentile géothermique du Nord
  • René Therrien Co-director Priority 5 (Natural resources) 
    Professor, Université Laval 
    Directeur, Département de géologie et de génie géologique

Société de Plan Nord

  • Maryse Quimper Direction des affaires autochtones, des affaires externes et des communications 
    Société du Plan Nord

Fonds de recherche du Québec

  • Janice Bailey Scientific Director, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies

Indigenous nations

  • Melissa Saganash Director of Cree-Québec Relations 
    Grand Council of the Cree
  • Jérôme Pelletier Director, Nunavik Research Centre 
    Makivvik Corporation
  • Glenda Sandy Representative 
    Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach
  • Serge Ashini Goupil Mobilisation des enjeux communs des communautés 
    Innu Nation


  • Hakim Nesreddine Researcher, Laboratoire des Technologies de l'Énergie 
    IREQ - Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec

Personne ressource

  • Robert Sauvé Strategic Advisor for the North 
    Université Laval

INQ Direction

  • Jean-Éric Tremblay Director 
    Institut Nordique du Québec
  • Brigitte Bigué Director of Administration and Development 
    Institut Nordique du Québec

INQ Implementation Committee Members (2014-2019)

Research Centers

  • Gilles Gauthier Scientific Director
    Centre for northern studies, Université Laval
  • Louis Fortier Scientific Director (2014-2019)
    INQ, Université Laval
  • Marcel Babin Scientific Director
    Takuvik, Université Laval
  • Thierry Rodon Scientific Director
    CIÉRA, Université Laval
  • Pierre Ayotte Scientific Director
    Nasivvik, Université Laval
  • Martin Fortier Executive Director
    Sentinel North, Université Lava
  • André Potvin Scientific Director
    Institut EDS, Université Laval
  • René Therrien Vice Dean of Research, Faculté des sciences et génie
    Université Laval 
  • Murray Humphries Director, CINE (Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment)
    Université McGill
  • Paul Brassard Northern Representative, RUIS (Réseau universitaire intégré en santé)
    Université McGill
  • Jean-Éric Tremblay Director
    INQ, Université Laval
  • Jasmin Raymond Chairholder INQ-INRS
    L'Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)

Founding Universities

  • Michel J. Tremblay Deputy Vice Rector, Research, Creation and Innovation
    Université Laval
  • Kristina Ohrvall Director, Strategic Initiatives
    Université McGill
  • Jean-François Blais Director
    Centre Eau, Terre, Environnement, INRS

UQ Network Universities

  • François Deschênes Vice Rector of research
    Université du Québec à Rimouski

Other Universities

  • Marie-Josée Hébert Vice Rector of research
    Université de Montréal

Aboriginal Nations

  • Ellen Avard Scientific Director
    Makivik Corporation – Nunavik Research Centre
  • Mélissa Saganash Director of Cree–Québec Relations
    Cree embassy
  • Serge Ashini Goupil Representative
    Innu nation
  • Glenda Sandy Representative
    Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach

Private Sector

  • Gaétan Lantagne General Manager
    Institut de recherche d'Hydro-Québec (IREQ)
  • Francis Fournier President and CEO

College Centres for the Transfer of Technology (Cctts)

  • Hussein Ibrahim Scientific Coordinator
    Institut technologiqe de maintenance industrielle (Cégep de Sept-Îles)

Société du Plan Nord

  • Alexandre Baillargeon Director of Interdepartmental Relations
    Société du Plan Nord

Senior Advisor on the North

  • Michel Allard Professor
    Centre for northern studies, Université Laval
  • Richard Fortier Director
    Centre for northern studies, Université Laval

Direction de l'INQ

  • Brigitte Bigué Project Director, Vice Rector Office, Research and Innovation
    Université Laval