
In this month's newsletter, carbon neutrality in Nunavik, the six Quebec finalists in the My Northern Project competition, research ethics in a northern context, pre-announcement for call for INQ-SN projects... The INQ Newsletter is taking a break for the summer and will be back in September. Subscribe now so you don't miss anything!
Institut nordique du Québec (INQ) held the provincial final of the My Northern Project science popularization contest on May 10. This contest highlights the next generation of researchers from INQ affiliated institutions working in northern Quebec and the Arctic. Congratulations to the six winners! This group will take part in the international final of the competition which takes place every year during the Arctic Circle Assembly.
The registration period for the INQ's Northern Day has begun. The event will take place on May 10 at the Musée de la civilisation in Quebec City. On the program: a round table on the sustainable health of northern populations, enlightening discussions on the management and conservation of caribou and the grand return of our science popularization contest My Northern Project.
Navigation in ice poses many risks not only for the safety of the crew and cargo, but also for polar ecosystems. However, before 2017, there were no international regulations for navigation in ice-covered waters. In 2017, the Polar Code partially filled this gap. States must therefore incorporate this Code into their own legislation...