Published on October 25 2022 In Newsletter
INQ's Newsletter | October 2022

Quebec's Northern Research Expertise Showcased at Arctic Circle Assembly
From October 13 to 16, Institut nordique du Québec (INQ) participated in the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland, a meeting place for cooperation and international dialogue on the Arctic. The Quebec delegation participating in this year's event included 22 people from academia, government and northern communities.
Within the framework of this exceptional international forum, INQ coordinated, with its local and international partners, two activities that proved to be excellent showcases for the province's research expertise: the international final of the My Northern Project science popularization contest and a panel discussion on new ways of developing knowledge in Northern Quebec.
Once again this year, the Quebec delegation at the Arctic Circle Assembly demonstrated the importance of Quebec as a diligent and committed player in the sustainable development of its territory. A player with a strong and diversified northern research capacity that can provide policy makers with the knowledge necessary for the ethical development of circumpolar regions.
Activity report 2021-2022
The activity report of Institut nordique du Québec is now available for consultation. It covers the period from April 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.
Will the methane bomb explode?
With climate change and thawing permafrost, peatlands are often considered a "methane bomb". This overlooks the fact that climate change is also resulting in greening of the Arctic and increased CO2 uptake through photosynthesis. The outcome may not lead to the anticipated methane bomb. Michelle Garneau, a professor in the Department of Geography at the Université du Québec à Montréal, explains.
Joint INQ-SN call for projects
Institut nordique du Québec (INQ) and the Sentinel North (SN) research strategy are joining forces to launch a third call to INQ members for research projects to enhance Quebec's knowledge of the North and the Arctic.
New: the project proposals will be submitted in two stages. Research teams interested in submitting a project must send a notice of intent (NOI) to INQ by November 7. All NOIs received will be evaluated and the teams that are invited to submit a full application will be eligible for up to $10,000 to put together their application.
Northern Lexicon | Energy in the North
Discover the concept of energy in the North through this animated capsule. This content was proposed by the INQ Northern geothermal potential research chair and developed jointly with Institut nordique du Québec.
The "Northern Lexicon" is a public communication project aimed at broadening our general knowledge of northern regions. This second entry was proposed by Institut nordique du Québec and the INQ Northern geothermal potential research chair
INQ Retreat for Northern Researchers 2022
A retreat experience specifically designed to meet the training needs identified by the northern research community in a 2022 survey.
The training is targeted to the following groups:
- faculty
- professionals working in northern research
- postdoctoral fellows
The INQ team is expanding!
INQ welcomes a new team member to fill a new role within the organization. Haidee Smith Lefebvre has joined the team as Regional Coordinator (Montreal-Sherbrooke pole).
In this capacity, she will support INQ in the deployment of its actions and will ensure connections with INQ member institutions located in Montreal and Sherbrooke.
Haidee has a solid background in coordination and has worked for several years in Kuujjuaq in the field of education.
Welcome to the team!
Job offer | Secretariat of the Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group
Université Laval is seeking an Executive Secretary for the Secretariat of the Arctic Council’s Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG). The SDWG is one of the Arctic Council’s six working groups and its mandate is to advance sustainable development and improve environmental, economic and social conditions of Indigenous peoples and Arctic communities.
A Quebec woman wins the international final of My Northern Project
The international final of the "My Northern Project" science popularization contest was held during the Arctic Circle Assembly on October 14.
Rachel Guindon, a Master's candidate in biology at Université Laval, received the "public prize" at the competition. Congratulations Rachel!
Rachel's master's project aims to evaluate whether the introduction of muskox to Kuujjuaq in Nunavik in the late 1960s has changed the composition and structure of plant communities in the habitat types they use most frequently in winter and summer in the Ungava Bay region of Nunavik.
INQ would like to highlight the excellence of the six Quebec finalists who took part in the competition. We have witnessed excellent scientific presentations popularized for the general public.
The international final was organized by the Institut nordique du Québec and its partner UArctic.
Northern Scientific Training Program
The purpose of the Northern Scientific Training Program (NSTP) is to encourage and support Canadian university and Northern post-secondary students with an interest in northern studies and conducting thesis research in Northern regions, by assisting them to gain northern professional experience and training, through the issuance of supplementary funds.
Applications are accepted until November 1.
Interferometric Sonar
Are you working on a research project that involves coastal or shallow water bathymetry? LAB-O-NORD presents the Kongsberg Maritime GeoSwath interferometric sonar. Affiliated with Québec Océan’s Marine Geosciences Laboratory, this portable interferometric sonar can be easily deployed on small boats. The device consists of a transducer with a handheld processor and cables and is specialized in strip bathymetry and benthic soil mapping by side scan.
Lab-O-Nord is an online tool providing information on research infrastructure (major and secondary facilities, laboratories, and equipment) operated by INQ-affiliated entities. The objective of the tool is to promote research infrastructure and optimize its use.
To integrate your equipment into Lab-O-North, contact the INQ team.
The ArticStat database is freely available from both independent and public sources. It was created to facilitate comparative research on the socio-economic conditions of the circumpolar Arctic populations. It groups, under different themes, the existing statistical data from Arctic countries, including Alaska, Canada, the Faroe Islands, and several others.
Explore this resource via Atikᵁ
On the calendar
October 25-27, 2022 - Sentinel North Scientific Meeting
November 3, 2022 - WebiNORD (CEN-INQ-Chaire Littoral) - Suivis socio-écologiques et co-gestion adaptative pour soutenir la résilience des pêcheries nordiques
November 17-18, 2022 - INQ Retreat for Northern Researchers 2022
Novembre 23, 2022 - Webinaire - Yves St-Pierre (INRS) Projet UVILUQ : L’utilisation de biopsies liquides pour le monitoring de l’état de santé des écosystèmes marins côtier
December 5-8, 2022 - ArcticNet 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting
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