
Published on February 3 2021 In Newsletter

INQ Newsletter | February 2021


My Northern Project

Institut nordique du Québec invites all Master's and doctoral students conducting research on northern or Arctic themes, to participate in the My Northern Project science popularisation competition.

Many prizes at stake!

More details


A training on Northern Quebec

Since its launch, more than 10,000 people have registered for this MOOC, the quality of which has been highlighted on numerous occasions. There is still time to join the group! (This is for the French edition. The English version usually takes place in the fall.).

Free and online.

For more information ➔


Webinar of the day

This Wednesday at 10:00 a.m., Catherine-Alexandra Gagnon, President at Cabinet-conseil Érébia, will host an INQ webinar entitled "Research in an Indigenous Context: Ethical Principles, Data Sharing and Intellectual Property Issues.”

The presentation is in French, but the question period will be bilingual.

More details ➔


Vote for the Discovery of the Year

The INQ congratulates the researchers from all walks of life involved in the 10 discoveries selected by Québec Science Magazine for its traditional annual ranking.

Of course, we would like to highlight discoveries #3 and #9 to which several researchers affiliated with the INQ have contributed.

Vote by February 8 ➔


Concordia University's participation in the Atikᵁ portal

Atikᵁ: : The Northern and Arctic Knowledge Portal is very pleased to announce the participation of Concordia University in the project. Susie Breier, reference librarian and research specialist in sociology and anthropology, will act as the Concordia University’s representative.

Read the full article ➔


Upcoming Webinars

17 February | Pinasuqatigiitsuta | Myrtille Bayle, Frédérique Trottier, Antoine Paquet et Geneviève Vachon, Habiter le Nord

24 February | The eco-evolutionary dynamics of arcto-boreal flora in changing ecosystems | Guillaume de La Fontaine, Chaire de recherche du Canada en biologie intégrative de la flore nordique, UQAR

3 March | Canada Research Chair in Northern Biodiversity | Dominique Berteaux, UQAR - Title of presentation to be confirmed.

See recordings of previous webinars ➔


News from our affiliated researchers and partners

28 January 2021 | Sentinelle Nord (ULaval) | Sentinelle Nord: les jeunes chercheurs se démarquent

22 January 2021 | Frédéric Lasserre (ULaval) | L’Échiquier mondial. Antarctique : vers un dégel géopolitique ?

22 January 2021 | Hans Larsson (MgGill) | Une espèce de mante vieille de 100 millions d’années découverte à Schefferville

19 January 2021 | Patrick Drogui (INRS) | Percée québécoise pour éliminer les microplastiques

12 January 2021 | Catherine Girard (UQAC), Warwick Vincent (ULaval) | New ways forward in Canadian Arctic research

9 December 2020 | Michelle Garneau (UQAM) | Tourbières en péril

8 December 2020 | Olivier Sonnentag (UdeM) | Les tourbières deviendront des émettrices de carbone d’ici la fin du siècle

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