Ouranos Workshop | Resilience of Quebec's critical systems to climate change

Ouranos Workshop | Resilience of Quebec's critical systems to climate change

About the event

  • June 20, 2024
  • 1:30 to 4 p.m.
  • Online

This workshop, organized by Ouranos, follows the launch of a call for projects targeting three essential priority systems.

  • Transportation
  • Energy
  • Communication and information technologies

The workshop will bring together players from university and college research and the practical world (governance, suppliers and users of these systems), and will aim to promote networking between these players. It will focus on the issues of climate, interdependence and governance of these systems, and will aim to identify existing knowledge on the subject, the blind spots in research and the priority needs of practitioners.

The aim of this initiative is to foster the development of collaborative research projects to increase the resilience of Quebec's essential systems.

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