Published on May 16 2023 In
Discover the provincial finalists of My Northern Project

My Northern Project / Mon projet nordique is a science popularization contest that challenges graduate students working on northern issues. This competition is divided into two parts: the provincial and the international.
Institut nordique du Québec is pleased to announce the sixteen candidates selected to participate in the provincial final on June 5! We congratulate each of them and look forward to hearing the results of their research.
Please note that the event is open to all and will take place during the INQ Northern Days. The UQTR, an affiliate member of the INQ, is hosting the event this year.
We invite you to join us for these extraordinary days and witness the talent, expertise and passion that drives these finalists. Reserve your place now and prepare to be inspired by thoughtful scientific presentations for a wide audience interested in the North and the Arctic! Note that the provincial finals competition is in French.
1) ▸ Tarlan Abazari, PhD candidate in architecture at Université Laval under the supervision of Professor André Potvin.
Title : Logements biophiliques et éco énergétiques en Arctique au moyen d'espaces intermédiaires
2) ▸ Marie Alibert, PhD candidate in geographic sciences at Université Laval under the supervision of Professor Reinhard Pirnitz.
Title : Les lacs nordiques en mutation : ce que les algues microscopiques nous révèlent des effets du changement climatique
3) ▸ Marie-Anne Baudin, Master's candidate in oceanography at UQAR under the supervision of Professor Michel Gosselin.
Title : Mets des couleurs dans ta vie, c’est le secret du phytoplancton
4) ▸ Pénélope Blackburn, PhD candidate in biology at UQAC under the supervision of Professor Catherine Girard.
Title : La composition des communautés microbiennes dans un Arctique en changement
5) ▸ Karel Cadoret, Master's candidate in microbiology at Université Laval under the supervision of Professor Paul George.
Title : Des oasis microbiennes dans les déserts de glace : virus et antibiotiques
6) ▸ Alice Cavalerie, Master's candidate in mechanical engineering at Université Laval under the supervision of Professor Louis Gosselin.
Title : Fenêtre sur la consommation des logements nordiques et le comportement des habitants dans la communauté inuite de Quaqtaq
7) ▸ Bastien Charonnat, PhD candidate in engineering at the École de technologie supérieure under the supervision of Professor Michel Baraër.
Title : Du toboggan à l'éponge: retrait glaciaire et vulnérabilité hydrique en région nordique
8) ▸ Madeleine-Zoé Corbeil-Robitaille, Master's candidate in wildlife and habitat management at UQAR under the supervision of Professor Joël Bêty.
Title : Cervelles d'oiseaux?! Que nenni! – Monologue se réclamant des synonymes de dégradation, sélection et refuges
9) ▸ Arianne Côté, Master's candidate in architectural science at Université Laval under the supervision of Professor Myriam Blais.
Title : Vers l’autonomie des communautés inuit dans la production de l’habitation au Nunavik : Engagement local et affirmation culturelle
10) ▸ David Dumas, Master's candidate in mechanical engineering at Université Laval under the supervision of Professor Louis Gosselin.
Title : Optimisation de systèmes photovoltaïques pour décarboner les bâtiments résidentiels du Nunavik
11) ▸ Emmy Hallett, PhD candidate in water science at INRS under the supervision of Professor Jérôme Comte.
Title : Le monde est petit après tout : Comprendre comment le changement climatique affecte les micro-organismes des lacs arctiques
12) ▸ Marie-Hélène Picard, Master's candidate in biology at Université Laval under the supervision of Professor Jean-Sébastien Moore.
Title : Que mangent les populations d’omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus) du Nunavik et du Nunavut?
13) ▸ Margaux Rougier, Master's candidate in oceanography at UQAR under the supervision of Professor Dany Dumont.
Title : Étude du cycle de vie des ponts de glace et leur variabilité climatique dans l’archipel arctique canadien
14) ▸ Edgar Sergues, PhD candidate in civil engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke under the supervision of Professor Ben Amor.
Title : Empreinte environnementale au Nunavik, menons l’enquête.
15) ▸ Marcel Valasquez, PhD candidate in oceanography at Université Laval under the supervision of Professor Philippe Archambault.
Title : Autonomisation des communautés Inuit grâce à la science citoyenne
16) ▸ Laura Wilmot, PhD candidate in law at Université Laval under the supervision of Professor Geneviève Parent.
Title : La Loi sur la déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones : un levier pour la sécurité alimentaire durable dans l’Inuit Nunangat.
Several prizes are at stake!
★ A place in the international final of the competition
Participants in My Northern Project have a chance to win a place in the international finals of the competition that will take place in Iceland during the Arctic Circle Assembly in the fall of 2023. This conference is considered one of the most important international meetings for dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic. The students who will represent Quebec at this international final will be determined by a jury responsible for evaluating all the presentations on June 5.
★ People choice award | Regional final
The People's Choice Award is back this year! The candidate who receives the most votes from members of the public will win a $250 bursary.
To attend the My Northern Project contest and encourage the next generation of scientists who are passionate about the North and the Arctic, register for the Northern Days. The event is open to all!
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