Third joint call for projects INQ | SN

Institut nordique du Québec (INQ) and Université Laval's Sentinel North (SN) are joining forces to launch a third joint call to INQ members for research projects to ehance Quebec's knowledge about the North and the Arctic, in line with the INQ's scientific programming, in a perspective of sustainable development of Northern Quebec and for the betterment of the communities that inhabit this vast territory.
Northern issues are complex and require the involvement of many sectors and disciplines. INQ and SN are therefore focusing on a forward-looking approach based on intersectoral and interdisciplinary research that includes: social sciences, health sciences, natural sciences, and engineering. To foster synergy and collaboration, this joint call for projects encourages the development of inter-institutional projects.
New in this 3rd edition: the project proposals will be submitted in two stages. Research teams interested in submitting a project must send the INQ a notice of intent by November 7. All of the notices received will be evaluated and the teams invited to submit a full application will be able to benefit from up to $10,000 to put together their application.
Dates to remember
Due to the faculty strike at Université Laval, the deadline for full applications has been extended to April 16, 2023.
Submission of notices of intent (NOI) : November 7, 2022
Announcement of retained NOIs : December 12, 2022
Submission of Full Applications : April 16, 2023
Announcement of financed projects : May 2023
Start of funded projects : May 2023
Documents related to the INQ-SN joint call for projects (2023-2026)
► Download the guide to the call for projects (2023-2026)
► Download the Notice of Intent form
► Download the form for the Full Application
► Download the Budget form (Full Application)
Complementary documents
► Synthesis - Scientific Program
Resource people
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