Published on April 29 2022 In
Announcement of the selected candidates for My Northern Project 2022

Institut nordique du Québec reveals the identity of the 12 candidates selected for the regional final of My Northern Project which will take place on May 10 during INQ's Northern Day. Congratulations to the 12 people selected!
My Northern Project is a science popularization and communication contest where students have precisely 5 minutes to present an outline of their research project.
Candidates selected for the regional final
1) Anne-Renée Delli Colli, Masters of Science in Nursing student, nursing education component, Université de Montréal
Des soins équitables au Nunavik, qu’est-ce que cela implique? Portrait de la vision unique des infirmières
2) Thomas Bossé-Demers, Doctoral student in Chemistry, Université Laval
Signature géochimique et contrastes saisonniers des éléments terres rares transportés vers l’Océan Arctique
3) Sabrina Bourgeois, Doctoral student in Political Science, Université Laval
Négocier les règles du jeu. Les peuples autochtones et le développement minier
4) Véronique Dubos, Doctoral student in Hydrology and Water Resource Science, INRS
Des histoires de pêche pour étudier l’habitat de l’omble chevalier
5) Sophia Ferchiou, Doctoral student in Biology, INRS
L’analyse de l’ADN environnemental par biopsie liquide sur des écosystèmes marins côtiers en régions polaires
6) Daniel Fillion, Masters student in Chemistry, Université Laval
Illuminons l’inconnu : Comment le Soleil transforme la chimie des lacs nordiques
7) Aude Flamand, Masters student in Oceanography, UQAR
DOM au bois dormant
8) Rachel Guindon, Masters student in Biology, Université Laval
50 ans de présence du bœuf musqué au Nunavik: Quels effets sur les communautés végétales?
9) Elisabeth Hardy-Lachance, Doctoral student in Geography, Université de Montréal
Une couverture de survie pour le pergélisol ?
10) Sarah Lemieux-Montminy, Masters of Science in Architecture student, Université Laval
Performance énergétique des bâtiments résidentiels en climat de froid extrême: Impact d’une approche bioclimatique optimisant la compacité, l’orientation et l’aérodynamsime
11) Cristian R. Garcia, Masters student in Land Use Planning and Regional Development, Université Laval
Développement d’une démarche pour améliorer la qualité de l’eau potable au Nunavik : projet pilote à Kangiqsualujjuaq
12) Edgar Sergues, Doctoral student in Civil Engineering, Université de Sherbrooke
Analyse environnementale de la production d’énergie au Nunavik, contexte et objectifs
Several prizes are at stake!
★ A place in the international final of the competition
Participants in My Northern Project have a chance to win a place in the international finals of the competition that will take place in Iceland during the Arctic Circle Assembly in the fall of 2022. This conference is considered one of the most important international meetings for dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic. The students who will represent Quebec at this international final will be determined by a jury responsible for evaluating all the presentations on May 10.
★ People choice award | Regional final
The People's Choice Award is back this year! The candidate who receives the most votes from members of the public will win a $250 bursary.
To attend the My Northern Project contest and encourage the next generation of scientists who are passionate about the North and the Arctic, register for INQ's Northern Day. The event is open to everyone!
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