Roundtable | Implementing Self-Government in the Nordic Countries, Greenland and Northern Canada

Roundtable | Implementing Self-Government in the Nordic Countries, Greenland and Northern Canada

About the event

  • 22 november
  • Noon to 1:00pm
  • Université Laval, Gene-H.-Kruger Pavilion (room 2320-2330) / Zoom

The INQ Research Chair on Northern Sustainable Development, in partnership with CIÉRA and INQ, proposes a public conference on the different models of political autonomy in the Arctic.

Abstract :

The Arctic is home to a multitude of different and complex experiences of indigenous self-government. This roundtable will discuss and compare the various forms of territorial and non-territorial self-government arrangements that are developed in the Arctic.  Jo Saglie, from the Institute of Social Research in Oslo, will discuss the Nordic Sami parliaments, a case of non-territorial self-government.  Uffe Jakobsen and Henrik Larsen from the University of Copenhagen will discuss Greenland as a future sovereign state. Maria Ackrén from Ilisimatusarfik will present Greenland's involvement in international relations, and Thierry Rodon from Université Laval will discuss the different self-government arrangements in Canada's Inuit Nunangat.

Speakers :

  • Jo Saglie, (Institute for Social Research, Oslo) - The Nordic Sámi parliaments: cases of non-territorial autonomy
  • Uffe Jakobsen and Henrik Larsen (University of Copenhagen) - Greenland as a future sovereign state?
  • Maria Ackrén (University of Greenland) - Greenland’s Involvement in International Relations
  • Thierry Rodon (Université Laval) - Inuit Governance in the Canadian Arctic

Vaccine passport

Please note that an immunization passport and identification will be required at the entrance to the room for those registered for the in-person conference.

Online (Zoom) :

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