Published on July 6 2023 In Researcher opportunity

$1.8 million to support six new scientific projects

Institut nordique du Québec (INQ) and the Sentinelle Nord research strategy are pleased to announce the six new scientific projects selected for their joint For a Sustainable North program. A total of $1.8 million will be devoted to these six new projects over a three-year period.

New projects funded

1. Modélisation du couplage des flux de carbone terrestres-aquatiques du paysage forestier régional dans un climat changeant (Modeling the coupling of terrestrial-aquatic carbon fluxes in the regional forest landscape under a changing climate)

Main Researcher

Jean-François Boucher, UQAC


Catherine Girard, UQAC

Milla Rautio, ULaval

Patrick Faubert, UQAC 

Maxime Boivin, UQAC

Paul George, ULaval

Olivier Riffon, UQAC


2. Habiter la rivière de sable Saint-Augustin-Pakua Shipu : transformations biogéomorphologiques et sociales (Inhabitation of the Saint-Augustin-Pakua Shipu sand river: biogeomorphological and social transformations)

Main Researchers

Daniel Germain, UQAM

Laurie Guimond, UQAM


Caroline Desbiens, ULaval

Justine Gagnon, ULaval


3. Back on traces, détection de contaminants et de nanoparticules comme marqueur de l’Anthropocène en Arctique (Back on Traces, Tracking Pollutants and Nanoparticles as Markers of the Anthropocene in the Arctic)

Main Researcher

Julien Gigault, ULaval


Mélanie Lemire, ULaval

Catherine-Alexandra Gosselin, Erebia

Philippe Archambault, ULaval

Pierre Legagneux, ULaval


4. Projet COMIRCHAN : Coconstruction d’un modèle intersectoriel de réseaux de chaleur au Nunavik (Co-construction of a cross-sectoral heat network model in Nunavik)

Main Researcher

Christophe Krolik, ULaval


Jasmin Raymond, INRS

Louis Gosselin, ULaval

Ali Hakkaki-Fard, ULaval


5. Imager Manicouagan-Uapishka par la Prospection Aquatique et Culturelle du Territoire (IMPACT) (Imaging Manicouagan-Uapishka through aquatic and cultural exploration of the territory)

Main Researcher

Patrick Lajeunesse, ULaval


Caroline Desbiens, ULaval

Justine Gagnon, ULaval

Pierre Francus, INRS

Dermot Antoniades, ULaval

Catherine Girard, UQAC

Mark Patterson, Northeastern University


6. Étude sur la préparation, l'utilisation et la composition chimique de décoctions du petit thé du Labrador, Rhododendron subarticum, telles que consommées par les communautés Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuaraapik (Study of the preparation, use and chemical composition of decoctions of Labrador tea, Rhododendron subarticum, as consumed by the Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuaraapik communities)

Main Researcher

Normand Voyer, ULaval


Caroline Hervé, ULaval

Stéphane Boudreau, ULaval



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