Published on March 2 2021 In

Codirectors for INQ's research axes

The co-direction of each of the Institut nordique du Québec’s research axes is now ensured by two scientists from different academic institutions. The mandate of these tandems will be to lead and coordinate the scientific activities of the research axes to which they are affiliated. The mandate of these co-directors is for a period of 3 years.

Selected following a call for proposals launched through the 16 INQ member institutions, these researchers will also be members of the INQ's scientific and development committee. This committee is notably responsible for developing scientific programming in line with the needs and priorities of the partners, encouraging the launch of multidisciplinary and intersectoral activities and stimulating scientific partnerships.


Axis 1 - Societies and cultures


The codirection of this research priority will be assured by professor Daniel Chartier, of Département d'études littéraires at UQAM, and by professor Thierry Rodon, of the Département de science poitique science at Université Laval. 

Axis 2 - Health


The codirection of this research priority will be assured by professor Mélanie Lemire, of the Département de médecine sociale et préventive at Université Laval and by professor Cathy Vaillancourt of INRS (interim).

Axis 3 - Ecosystem Functioning and Environmental Protection


The codirection of this research priority will be assured by Philippe Archambault, of the Département de biologie at Université Laval, and by professor Esther Lévesque of the Département des sciences de l'environnement at UQTR.

Axis 4 - Infrastructures and Technology

axe 4

The codirection of this research priority will be assured by professor Louis-César Pasquier from INRS and professor Abdellah Chehri from the Department of Applied Sciences atUniversity of Quebec in Chicoutimi.

Axis 5 - Natural resources

axe 5

The codirection of this research priority will be assured by professor Annie Desrochers from UQAT and professor René Therrien of the Département de géologie et de génie géologique at Université Laval. 

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